Creating a Patient Organization

You want to incorporate a Patient Organization successful or you are already in process of it? Here is some advice on what you should think about.

How to make a Patient Organization successful:

  1. Identify an initial group of patients with a long-term interest to understand their disease, aiming for self-management and willing to share their experience.
  2. Prepare a Constitution/Statutes including:
    a. Name and headquarter address
    b. Status of organization
    c. Area of activity
    d. Association’s purpose
    e. Methods of achieving the association’s purpose
    f. Define kinds of membership, rights and obligations of members and termination
    g. Define association bodies and their tasks and its dissolution
  3. Prepare a framework for sustainable corporate partnership with supporters.
  4. Prepare an initial working plan for at least 1 year.
  5. Calculate hours of investment for board members.
  6. Elect board members.
  7. Prepare communication tools (website, brochure, display for stands, etc.).
  8. Communicate about the organization objectives and plans/projects to relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Health, other policy-makers, health-care professional organizations, peer NCD-NGOs).
  9. Expand Membership.
  10. Report and communicate work of the association bodies to members and partners and motivate individuals serving in the board.

See the GAAPP-Webinar Building an Organization effectively!

For more information, please contact GAAPP by email: