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  In this Issue

  1. From the President’s Desk
  2. GAAPP News & Opportunities
  3. Get Involved
  4. Member News
  5. Reminders
  6. New Members

Save the Dates!

5,6 September 2024

GAAPP Summit

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Tonya Winders, GAAPP President

From the President’s Desk

Thank you is insufficient to express my heartfelt gratitude for the past month & our annual AGM (Annual General Meeting) /SAREAL meeting!

I am honored to welcome our newest board member Vildana Mujkić & to serve as GAAPP President for another three-year term.

We also announced the WHO passed a landmark resolution ensuring patients/ advocates must be involved in all aspects of healthcare delivery by 2030. This is our “golden ticket” to hold governments accountable.


Next up is our GAAPP Summit in Vienna on 5-6 September. Please register today & don’t forget to complete the member survey to help us shape plans for 2025.

Finally, we would love for you to share your story via our Storyvine platform. It takes less than 10 minutes & you will love the finished video!

Thanks again for your continued support & passionate hearts!




GAAPP News & Opportunities


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GAAPP Summit – registrations are now open!

Join us in Vienna, Austria, on September 5th and 6th, 2024, for the GAAPP Summit, an exciting in-person event for all GAAPP member organizations. Each organization is invited to send their representative, with a travel bursary provided based on the region of residence, and arrangements can be made for additional representatives or caregivers. Enjoy complimentary hotel accommodation from September 4th to September 7th, and be part of this enriching and collaborative experience.

Register to GAAPP Summit HERE!



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SAREAL is an official annual GAAPP event

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and SAREAL 2024 in Santiago de Chile. This year’s event was our most successful yet, with over 30 Latin American organizations participating to enhance skills and foster cooperation among patient groups, expanding our network to over 35 members. Additionally, we held a pivotal meeting on developing new pulmonary hypertension treatments and achieved a significant advocacy milestone with policymakers, bringing us one step closer to securing access to biologics for all Chilean asthma patients. SAREAL was a joint event brought to you by Latin Health Leaders, led by our board of directors member and SAREAL elected leader Migdalia Denis and GAAPP. And we are excited to announce that this is now an official annual GAAPP event.



GAAPP Board elected members

We are thrilled to announce and congratulate Vildana Mujkić as the newest member of our Board of Directors. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Tonya Winders on her re-election as President for her new and final three-year term. We look forward to their leadership and the positive impact they will bring on our organization.



Get Involved



World leaders unite to embed social participation in health systems

Let’s amplify people’s voices by connecting grassroots to the tree tops!

For the first time in the World Health Organization’s 76 year history, world leaders have unanimously committed to strengthen, systematize, and sustain social participation in health and wellbeing. This landmark resolution recognizes social participation as “empowering people, communities, and civil society through inclusive participation in decision-making processes that affect health across the policy cycle and at all levels of the system.” Governments will be held accountable for progress to 2030.

Learn more here!



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Are you a person with atopic dermatitis, COPD, or chronic urticaria?

Or are you a caregiver for someone with one of these conditions?

We are building a video library of awareness and advocacy short stories from people like you. GAAPP would like to hear from people interested in a paid opportunity to record a short video about their experiences.

Want to learn more?

Email Kristen Willard, VP of Education, at



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GAAPP Academy: Member Organization Success Stories

Join Kristen Willard, VP of Education, and a dynamic lineup of nonprofit leaders from your fellow GAAPP member organizations on 27 August 2024 at 15:00 CEST. Discover firsthand successes and lessons learned as they share their experiences implementing impactful initiatives. Whether you’re from a large or small, metropolitan or rural organization, this session promises valuable insights. Secure your spot now for the presentation and Q&A session.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Register here.



Member News


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SALUD, a podcast which explores key information on medicine and innovation.

Introducing Podcast Salud, an insightful series brought to you by health professionals Mr. Guillermo Lobo and Dr. Pablo Moreno. This engaging podcast is produced by Fundaler, our member organization from Argentina. Tune in for expert discussions on vital health topics and stay informed with the latest medical insights here!




COPD Mobility Activity in Austria

Lungunion, our member organization from Austria, launched a new initiative for COPD patients and others with lung diseases, providing free liquid oxygen refills at over 55 pharmacies through a collaboration between the Austrian Lung Union (OELU), the Chamber of Austrian Pharmacists, and Vivisol, and also with the support of GAAPP. To encourage participation, they have introduced the COPD-Mobility-Pass, allowing patients to earn the OELU-Mobility Pin by collecting stamps from participating pharmacies.





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GAAPP Member Survey

In advance of setting up GAAPP 2025 objectives and resources, our leadership team is collecting input on member organization’s needs, areas of focus, and capabilities as they relate to each of our 4 pillars (Advocacy, Awareness, Education, Research). This survey is available in English and Spanish.

Take the survey!



New Members


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The Asthma Foundation in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

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Association of Respiratory Nurses



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PinkTree Foundation


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Lung Health Foundation



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Federacion Costarricense De Enfermedades Raras

Costa Rica



We proudly represent 132 organizations in 60 countries from all continents 


We advocate for 20 Pathologies across all allergy, atopic, and airways diseases


 More than 30 papers published and supported more than 30 multi-stakeholder projects



GAAPP Corporate Council


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Altgasse 8-10, 1130, Vienna, Austria
+43 (0) 6767534200  |