World Asthma Day 2022
In honor of #WorldAsthmaDay, GAAPP has adapted GINA’s ‘Closing Gaps in Asthma Care’, we have asked stakeholders in asthma care to provide their insight into closing these gaps in care with perspectives from health care professionals, health institutions, caregivers, and patients worldwide.
These resources are available for all our member organizations to share on their social media and digital outlets. The videos that were not recorded in English are subtitled.
…that exist for the general public’s and healthcare professionals’ awareness and understanding that asthma is a chronic disease.
…in communication and care across the primary, secondary and tertiary care interface.
…between wealthy and poorer communities and countries.
…in equal access to diagnosis and treatment (medicine)
…between prescribing inhalers and monitoring adherence and ability to use these devices.
…between scientific evidence and the actual delivery of care for people with asthma.
…between care for different
socioeconomic, ethnic, and age groups
…in communication and education
provided for people with asthma
807 patients with asthma, across 3 continents and 5 countries, qualified for and chose to take part in a recent survey. The results show that most participants (93%) feel confident in the support of their doctor or nurse, either at the same or higher levels compared to a year ago and that more than half (60%) have grown in confidence in their asthma control over the past year. However there are some other data that is more concerning:
With generous support from our sponsors:
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