GAAPP Board of Directors Nomination
The Global Allergy and Airways Patient Platform (GAAPP) is committed to globally supporting and empowering patients with allergies, airways, and atopic diseases by protecting their rights and insisting on the duties of governments, healthcare professionals, and the general public.
During our Annual General Assembly on 8 June 2023 we announced that GAAPP would accept candidates for both the Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer positions.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Board shall manage the Association’s business under its own responsibility as required by the purpose of the Association. In addition to statutory reporting requirements, the Board shall report to the General Assembly about all measures taken and about the Association’s situation.
Both positions hold a three-year term, and may be re-elected two times. The Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer are voting directors on the Board and shall assume the duties of the present Secretary or Treasurer should either step down.
The timeline for the nominations process and voting are as follows:
GAAPP members organizations interested in running for the Board must submit this form and attach their Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume by 15 July 2023. If there is any problem uploading the documents, you can send it to us at
Form for a member organization of GAAPP to nominate someone for the vacant board positions during election periods.