
Optimize the inclusion of the patient voice and perspective in the generation of high-quality data


We strive to empower our member organizations and collaborators by sharing our extensive experience in ethics, clinical trials, survey research, focus groups, and other facets of patient-centered research and supporting the development of treatments and diagnostics


To help coordinate and harmonize our collaborative activities and optimize the inclusion of the patient voice and perspective in the generation of high-quality data 

“Don’t listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions…”
— Albert Einstein

For Researchers: GAAPP Research Capabilities

  • Advisory consulting: patient-centered trial design and strategy​
  • Trial participants, and patient investigators recruitment​
  • Global patient, caregivers and healthcare provider (HCP) survey design, implementation, analysis, and reporting ​
  • Focus groups recruitment and implementation​
  • Process improvement design and implementation​
  • Contribution to publications ​(patient and caregiver perspective)​
  • Preparation and dissemination of lay terms (translated) summary reports

For Patients, Caregivers, and Healthcare Providers: How to Get Involved in Research

GAAPP and its member organizations are recruiting patients, caregivers or providers for participation in research surveys, clinical trials, advisory panels, and focus groups.

GAAPP-supported patient/caregiver ambassadors can conduct research:

  • Serve as patient/caregiver representative on research advisory boards 
  • Support patient-centered research by providing the patient perspective/elevating the patient voice
  • Participate in the evaluation of patient and stakeholder engagement in the development of therapies, digital tools, and medical devices

How can patients and caregivers investigators contribute to clinical trials?

  • Develop the research question and relevant study outcomes 
  • Define the characteristics of study participants
  • Draft or revise study materials and protocols
  • Participate in recruitment of study participants
  • Participate in data collection and analysis
  • Participate in publications and communications

Educational Resources on Research

Welcome to a curated list of GAAPP resources designed to support your use of our research and recruitment tools. Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions. 

The US Food and Drug Administration has helpful resources on patient engagement:

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) position on patient engagement:

Patient Engagement Digital Roadmap engages the patient community in the design and development of digital health solutions. Learn more here:

Archive of previous newsletter issues: 

How to Get Involved in Research

Currently recruiting opportunities: Research Recruiting Opportunities

Additional studies may be found here: Clinical Trials Match Tool

Clinical Trials Match Tool

GAAPP has partnered with “Antidote” to provide a simple tool to access and match with clinical trials. The tool takes into consideration not only your condition but the country and city where you are based. The clinical trials are sourced from all relevant databases, and the 60-second matching process presents the information in a simplified manner for all patients to understand. Learn more

 You can also search recruiting clinical trials in your area at www.ClinicalTrials.Gov

Last Edited: 10/01/2024