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In this email:

  1. Opportunities:
    • ABPA Clinical Trial Recruitment
    • RSV Patient Advisory Board
    • EAACI Guidelines Patient Advisory Board
  2. From the Chief Scientific Officer Desk





Asthma and Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)

Do you have asthma?

Have you been diagnosed with asthma and Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)? ABPA is an allergy or sensitivity to a fungus found in our environment known as Aspergillus fumigatus. Symptoms may include wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Volunteers are needed for a clinical research study to test whether an inhaled investigational medication may be safe and effective in patients with ABPA.

You may be able to participate if you:

  • Are over the age of 18 years
  • Have a confirmed diagnosis of asthma and ABPA
  • Have been on a stable asthma medication regimen
  • Have had an exacerbation (worsening breathing problems) in the last 12 months

The study consists of a screening period up to 4-weeks in duration, followed by a 4-month treatment period and a 2-month follow-up period. The treatment period is double-blind, which means the participants and the study team, including site staff, will not know whether the participants are receiving investigational medication or placebo.

Qualified participants may receive compensation for their time and travel accommodation will be provided as needed.

How do I participate? 
Check this link with the trial locations and contacts.




RSV Patient Advisory Board

GAAPP is supporting GSK in convening a Patient Advisory Board where your advice will be sought to better understand disease awareness around RSV in:

  • Older adults.
  • Older adults with health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe RSV disease.


  • Candidates must be 50+.
  • Have a history of a recent (last 2 years) RSV infection.
  • Or have a condition that makes them more vulnerable to RSV, such as: COPD, asthma, any chronic respiratory/pulmonary disease, or chronic heart failure; or endocrine metabolic conditions: diabetes, advanced liver or renal (kidney) diseases.
  • Open to discussing their health journey/experience of RSV and risk.
  • Be residents of the UK or Germany.
  • Mobile/able to travel/ attend meetings/ events if necessary.

*Additional screening will be needed to confirm suitability to take part in the Advisory Board

Compensation is provided

How do I participate? 
Email us at




Call for Guideline Representatives

EAACI’s has requested GAAPP to bring forward representatives on all guidelines committees. There is three current guideline projects, each guideline has 4-5 workgroups;

We are looking for around 12 -15 individuals who are willing to represent the patient perspectives on the following guidelines committees:

  • Allergic asthma
  • Allergen Immunotherapy
  • Environmental science for Allergy and Asthma.

How do I participate? 

Please email your CV to and specify which guideline committee do you want to join specifically from the three above.



From the Chief Scientific Officer Desk




Altgasse 8-10, 1130, Vienna, Austria
+43 (0) 6767534200  |