The Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform (GAAPP) is excited to announce the following staff changes to support its continued growth as the leading global patient voice in respiratory & immunology.

First, the BOD has appointed Tonya Winders as acting CEO. Tonya has over twenty-five years of experience in this field & has served the past five years as the elected President of GAAPP. She will continue in the selected role while serving the GAAPP community in the appointed role.

Next, Victor Gascon Moreno has been promoted to Vice President of Awareness & Operations. Victor will continue to lead all programs while overseeing the organization’s daily operations alongside the BOD & CEO. He will work closely with all regional representatives & partners to deliver on our key performance objectives.

Finally, Špela Novak is joining GAAPP in the role of Member Support. Špela is the leader of Društvo Atopijski Dermatitis (Association of Atopic Dermatitis of Slovenia), a GAAPP Member, and will lead all member communications & support all GAAPP event planning.

The GAAPP leadership extends a warm welcome & congratulations to all on these new roles and continued responsibilities as we work collaboratively to achieve our mission.

Check our Staff and Board Members