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In this Issue

   1. From the President’s Desk
   2. Opportunities
3. Get Involved
4. GAAPP News

   5.  Member News
6. Reminders
7. New Members

Save the Dates!

16 Feb Urticaria Coffee Chat 
16 Feb GAAPP Academy 
8 Jun Scientific Meeting/AGM
Hamburg, Germany
8 Sep Global Respiratory Summit
Milan, Italy


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Tonya Winders, GAAPP President

From the President’s Desk

From the President’s Desk

February is the month that love & hearts abound! Here at GAAPP we love our members & are excited to have grown to 92 organizations strong since 2009. Your executive staff & board are hard at work raising funds to support our mission work in awareness, education, advocacy & research. In fact, it looks to be another record-breaking year!

Be sure to join for GAAPP Academy this month as we explore participation in clinical trials. Also, watch your email for save the date announcement for our Scientific meeting & Annual General Meeting of members to be held in Hamburg in June.

Our awareness days calendar is fully developed & more funding opportunities will be forthcoming as your work to amplify key disease messages to your community. Thank you in advance for your continued support as we work together!

All my best,







Get involved


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Our first GAAPP Academy Session for 2023 is scheduled for 16 February at 17h CET. Demystifying Clinical Trials will help the learner to:

  • Understand and define the stages of drug development from beginning to end
  • Define Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and its application to patients and clinical research
  • Identify misconceptions of clinical trials and address how these barriers can be overcome

Register to reserve your FREE spot for this event! 




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Happy Retirement Otto! 

Otto Spranger retired as our Treasurer in December following over a decade of commitment to GAAPP. Otto has served on the GAAPP Board since being one of our founding members in 2009. Join us in wishing Otto well in his retirement as he prepares to travel and enjoy time with family and friends. Otto will be an honorary Board member of GAAPP in honor of his long-standing leadership and service.

Thank you for your service, Otto!



Member Project Funding

In an effort to support our members’ activities, GAAPP provides funding for projects up to 25% of the total budget. Requests are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The deadline for the next submission cycle is 15 March. Learn More

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Member News


This month we are glad to highlight these relevant policy-making advances for GAAPP member organizations.


APEPOC Meets with the Spanish Minister of Health to make COPD a public health priority

Carolina Darias, Minister of Health of Spain, met with the team of APEPOC to discuss the challenges of COPD patients in Spain and explore solutions. She also received the distinction of “COPD ambassador”. Congratulations to the APEPOC for reaching this policymaking milestone. Read more


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The AAA of Bosnia & Herzegovina meets with the Ministry of Health and officers from the department of pharmacy.

AAA Association President met with the Minister of Health of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina and Officers from the Department for Pharmacy aiming to improve the positions of patients with atopic diseases through access to adequate therapy with focus to biologics for atopic dermatitis and severe asthma as well as for refund of epinephrine (epi – pen).






New GAAPP Twitter Account

In early November, our Twitter account was hacked, and suspended it. As a result, GAAPP has created a new account that also matches our handles in all the other social media channels  @gaapporg. We request that you follow us there and share with your colleagues and community, so we can continue the engagement with your team and patient community. Follow us!

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GAAPP Facebook Community – Join the Conversation!

GAAPP has a private Facebook group for our member organisations. Join the group today to connect to other organizations to increase collaboration! Scan the QR code to view the group and request to join, or click here!



New Members




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(Croatian Association of Parents of Children with Asthma) 


(Alliance of Support to Patients with Atopic Dermatitis) – Puerto Rico




We proudly represent 92 organizations in 41 countries from all continents 


We advocate for 19 Pathologies across all allergy, atopic, and airways diseases


 More than 20 papers published and supported more than 30 multi-stakeholder projects


Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Instagram 




Altgasse 8-10, 1130, Vienna, Austria
+43 (0) 6767534200  |