Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension (Belgium)
The Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension (AfPH) was registered in Brussels (Belgium) as an international non-profit organisation (IVWZ) in 2020. Its current membership includes as full members the pulmonary hypertension patient associations from Belgium (HTAP Belgique and Pulmonale Hypertensie vzw), France (HtaPFrance), Germany (pulmonale hypertonie e.v.), Greece (Hellenic Community for Pulmonary Hypertension), Italy (AIPI – Associazione Ipertensione Polmonare Italiana OdV), Latvia (Pulmonālās hipertensijas biedrība), Netherlands (Stichting Pulmonale Hypertensie), Poland (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Osób z Nadciśnieniem Płucnym i Ich Przyjaciół), Turkey (Pulmoner Hipertansiyon ve Skleroderma Hasta Dernegi) . PHA Japan is an associate member. he AfPH’s mission is to promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise about pulmonary hypertension across the community and engage in collaborative activities to address unmet patient needs and help improve access and efficacy of pulmonary hypertension.