Welcome to the GAAPP #WorldEczemaMonth 2024!

  • Limited health literacy is a hidden epidemic. It can affect health status, health outcomes, healthcare use, and health costs. The entire healthcare system relies on the assumption that patients can understand complex written and spoken information. Patients are expected to navigate a complex medical system and then manage more and more of their often complex care at home. If they do not understand health information, they cannot take necessary actions for their health or make appropriate health decisions. 1
  • GAAPP provides a platform to amplify the voice of the people living without proper access to care for atopic diseases and has supported via its “impact funds” scheme the creation and translation of the “Atopic Dictionary” created by “Drustvo AD” (Atopic Dermatitis Organization of Slovenia)2

Join us for #WorldEczemaDay and #WorldEczemaMonth in sharing education and knowledge of the layman’s terms and explanations of medical vocabulary in atopic diseases that often create a barrier for patient empowerment and effective shared decision-making between the healthcare providers with the patients and caregivers.

  1. Share our Social Media Educational Carroussels Download and share our social media assets with your community to further spread the knowledge of Eczema and other atopic conditions. Assets will be available in different languages and further translations can be requested to GAAPP (contact us)
  2. Check the Atopic Dictionary: Search and explore the definition and layman´s terms of complex medical vocabulary in 13 languages.

Check the Atopic Dictionary

Open the dictionary at full width

Communication grant for GAAPP Member Organizations

GAAPP has launched its communication grant for World Eczema Month 2024.

A 200€ grant is offered to help us promote these resources all through September 2024. The assets are available in English, French, Slovenian and Spanish. If you need these assets in another language, please feel free to contact info@gaapp.org, and we will be happy to arrange that for you.

To apply for the grant and obtain the social media assets, please click on the button below:

With generous support from our sponsors:

GSK logo


1- Do Patients Understand?
2- Atopic Dictionary