Zavod Atopika launched the first national media campaign on atopic dermatitis in Slovenia. The project “Look deeper – I am more than my skin allowed the Slovenian-Norwegian partners to achieve greater public awareness and initiate much-needed changes in support of people with atopic dermatitis. The campaign was led and implemented by the non-governmental organization Zavod AtopikaUniversity Clinical Center Maribor, Norwegian partner University Hospital of Northern Norway, and GAAPP – Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of atopic dermatitis, empower patients and initiate systemic changes. The results of a comprehensive national survey were included in the campaign.

Here is a highlight of the results from people with a moderate or severe form of atopic dermatitis who responded to the questionnaire:

  • 95% consider atopic dermatitis as a disease that affects the quality of life.
  • 84% have daily itching of the skin.
  • 52% have effective sleep of 4 hours or less per night.
  • 76% of parents of children with moderate or severe atopic dermatitis have effective sleep of 4 hours or less per night.
  • 63% see atopic dermatitis as a condition that affects the whole family functionally.
  • 67% see atopic dermatitis as a disease that affects the whole family from a psychological point of view
  • 49% experience misunderstanding and unwanted reactions in their environment
  • 90% see atopic dermatitis as a financial burden
  • 11% of families with a child suffering from a moderate or severe form of atopic dermatitis have experienced a parent having to give up employment to care for the child.
  • 12% of patients with moderate or severe atopic dermatitis have suicidal thoughts.

More information at the campaign page: 

The project “Look closer – I am more than my skin” is supported by funds from the ACF Program in Slovenia 2014-2021. The campaign was also supported by GAAPP – Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform.

GAAPP is a proud founder of this campaign, if you have any great project like Zavod Atopika, that lacks up to 25% of the total budget funding and want GAAPP to help you achieve it please visit our Request for Project Funding page: