Use the language selector on the top left of our website to translate this newsletter into any other language.


To our GAAPP Community:

Thank you to our members who utilized the communication grants to spread awareness for our awareness days for Eczema, Urticaria, and World Lung Day. We have shared our toolkit in preparation for World COPD Day on 16 November. Please help us share this message with your networks. Details are below.

The GAAPP Board is assembling to design our action plan based on the outcomes of our joint work at the GRS in Barcelona, as well as our first-ever event in LATAM, the SAREAL 2022 event for airways, allergic and atopic diseases. Stay tuned for more information before the end of the year. 


Upcoming GAAPP Events



Member Opportunities


World COPD Day 2022

World COPD Day is approaching on 16 November. The Speak Up for COPD campaign is designed to make COPD a public health priority. 

GAAPP has prepared an easy-to-use social media assets toolkit for your organization to share across your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.), website, and newsletters.

Members are offered communication grants of 200 Euros to publish at least 4 posts between 1-30 November. 


GAAPP Project Funding

GAAPP Members are encouraged to submit requests for funding to complete your mission work. GAAPP will fund up to 25% of your project budget. The Board of Directors review funding requests on a quarterly basis. The deadline for the final review of 2022 is 5 December. View the guidelines for funding requests. 

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Get involved



GAAPP COPD Patient Charter implemented in Austria

Our member organization the  Austrian Lungenunion has been working with policy-makers, healthcare providers, insurers, patients, and family members to implement the 6 principles of the COPD Patient Charter in Austria. This work involved polling patients, requesting support from pulmonologists and working closely with local members of parliament. A public awareness campaign with the 6 principles will be displayed in public transport and several public spaces in Vienna and other Austrian cities during October and November.

Congratulations on these strong advocacy efforts!


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The 2022 theme for World COPD Day is “ Your Lungs for Life“. World COPD Day is celebrated on the third Wednesday of November. This year it will be celebrated on 16 November. The theme aims to highlight the importance of lifelong lung health. You are born with only one set of lungs, from development to adulthood, therefore keeping lungs healthy is an integral part of future health and well-being. This campaign will focus on contributing factors to COPD from birth to adulthood and what we can do to promote lifelong lung health as well as protect vulnerable populations.

Click  here to download this year’s World COPD Day graphic in English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and Portuguese.


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COPD Patient Empowerment Guides available in Italian

Our COPD Patient Empowerment Guides have been translated into Italian. We would like to thank our Member organization Respiramo Insieme for their help in adapting and distributing this to the patients in Italy. 

If you want the guides translated into your language, please contact us.



1st Brazilian Forum on ATS for Rare Diseases

The 1st Brazilian Forum on ATS for Rare Diseases is an event the Institute will hold between the 24th and 25th of November, completely online and free of charge (in Brazilian Portuguese).
Register at:




Migdalia Denis, Latin Health Leaders

GAAPP Board of Directors Update

As we shared in September, GAAPP secretary Vanessa Foran stepped down from her position at Asthma Canada leaving the position on the Board vacant. 

At its October meeting, the Board voted to appoint Migdalia Denis to serve in this role until the next formal elections in the spring. 

Migdalia is Principal Consultant at Latin Health Leaders and is a Lead Counsellor, Master Life Coach, and Patient Support & Advocacy Groups Consultant. 

Please join us in welcoming Migdalia to the leadership team of GAAPP!



The Respiratory Health, Allergy, and Atopy Summit (“SAREAL”, as it reads its acronym in Spanish) was held on 22-23 October in Panama City. 15 patient advocacy groups representing LATAM participated in this inaugural event. 

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GAAPP Facebook Community – Join the Conversation!

GAAPP has a private Facebook group for our member organisations. Join the group today to connect to other organizations to increase collaboration! Scan the QR code to view the group and request to join, or click here!


New Members


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We proudly represent 87 organizations in 41 countries from all continents 


We advocate for 19 Pathologies across all allergy, atopic, and airways diseases


 More than 20 papers published and supported more than 30 multi-stakeholder projects


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Altgasse 8-10, 1130, Vienna, Austria
+43 (0) 6767534200  |